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A Squirrel Glider



Scientific name: Petaurus norfolcensis


Conservation status in NSW: Vulnerable



How big do I get?  20cm body length, 22-30cm tail


What do I eat?  Wattle gum and seeds, eucalyptus sap, nectar, pollen and insects 🌼


When do I play? I am nocturnal so like to play and hunt at night and sleep during the day. 

Where do I live? I live all along the east coast of Australia, 

Where do I sleep? I build bowl like nests out of leaves in the hollows of trees. I sometimes share my nest with up to ten other squirrel gliders 👪


Other fun facts:

I can glide up to 100 meters! (With the help of a down hill trajectory) But usually can glide from 40-50m. My tail helps me to change direction mid air, much like a rudder of a boat. 


  • Loss of hollow bearing trees

  • Population fragmentation - large gaps between trees prevent movement among populations. 

  • feral cats and foxes.

  • Entanglement in barbed wire fences 

  • Fire - excessive fuel reduction burning can result in loss of hollows


TRACKS: What my tracks look like!






Want more info about this curious critter? Click here.

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