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Stephens' Banded Snake

Awabakal Language: Maiyaa (snake)

Scientific name: Hoplocephalus stephensii

Conservation status in NSW: Vulnerable

How big do I get? I get up to 1.2m in length 🐍

What do I eat? frogs, lizards, birds and small mammals 🐸

When do I play? I like to go hunting at night 🌙 and sleep during the day.

Where do I live?  From southern QLD to Gosford. 

Where do I sleep? I like to snooze in loose bark and tree trunks, amongst vines, rock crevices and hollow logs and trees.

Other fun facts: 

I am extremely venomous and have forward facing fangs. Luckily there are great antivenins out there so I haven't managed to cause any recorded deaths ⚰️ interestingly, Tiger Snake antivenin is used to treat my bites. 

- I don't lay eggs - I bear up to 6 live young (this is known as viviparous)


  • Clearing and fragmentation of habitat.

  • Forestry practices which result in loss of old or dead trees.

  • Too frequent burning for fuel reduction or grazing management which destroys old and dead trees and removes understorey vegetation.

  • Illegal collection of snakes from the wild.

TRACKS: In soft dirt and sand my tracks would look like this!






Want more info about this curious critter? Click here.

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