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A Spotted Tail Quoll

Awabakal Language: Kikoyi

Scientific name: Dasyurus maculatus

Conservation status in NSW: Endangered Population

How big do I get?  about the size of a domestic cat 🐈 (up to 7kgs).

What do I eat?  A variety of prey including birds, medium-sized mammals and reptiles 🐦

When do I play? At night! Although sometimes I hunt during the day.

Where do I live? I'm found along the east coast in pockets ranging from Victoria to Queensland, and all over Tasmania. I am only considered 'common' in Tasmania. 

Where do I sleep? In hollow-bearing trees, fallen logs, other animal burrows, small caves and rock outcrops as den sites.

Other fun facts: 💩

We all like to poop in the same place! It's how we keep up to date with the gossip. This means we create communal toilet spots for small population groups 🚽 it's called a 'communal latrine'.


  • Loss, fragmentation and degradation of habitat.

  • Competition with introduced predators such as cats and foxes.

  • Deliberate poisoning, shooting and trapping, primarily in response to chicken predation.

  • Roadkill

  • Poisoning from eating cane toads in the wild 🐸

    TRACKS: What my tracks look like!









Want more info about this curious critter? Click here.

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