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A Brush Tailed Phascogale

Scientific name: Phascogale tapoatafa 

Conservation status in NSW: Vulnerable

How big do I get?  20cm body length and my big bushy tail is up to 20cm too!

What do I eat?  I am carnivorous - I like spiders, insects, birds, nectar and small mammals 🕷️

Where do I live? I prefer to live in open, dry schlerophyll forest with little ground cover. I forage for food on the ground and in the trees.

Where do I sleep? Nesting sites are made in low hollow trees. 

Other fun facts:

When I get upset I have been known to thump my front paws and rattle my bushy tail in the air to warn predators that I have attitude. 


  • Loss and fragmentation of habitat.

  • Loss of hollow-bearing trees.

  • Predation by foxes and cats 🐈

  • Competition for nesting hollows with the introduced honeybee 🐝

TRACKS: This is what my tracks look like!






Want more info about this curious critter? Click here.

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