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A long nosed Bandicoot!

Awabakal Language: Koworowal

Scientific name: Perameles nasuta

Conservation status in NSW: Endangered Population

How big do I get?  31 cm - 43 cm

What do I eat? Insects and Lizards 🐜

When do I play? Usually at night! 🌙

Where do I live? In forests, woodlands, and heath. In isolated populations in QLD, NSW and Victoria.

Where do I sleep? I like to sleep in nests made from grasses and other plant material.


Other fun facts:

You can tell where I have been by the small holes I leave behind me - I like to dig holes to find food. I also really like my own company and prefer to live a life on my own.


  • Habitat loss and fragmentation as a result of urban development is the major threat to the species.

  • Predation by domestic cats, dogs and introduced foxes 

  • Roads and cars

  • In breeding depression and disease (toxoplasmosis) 

TRACKS: What my tracks look like!

Want more info about this curious critter? Click here.

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